A Beginner’s Guide to Engineered Stone

When choosing a material for countertops, engineered stone is perhaps one of the top choices for many reasons. Among these reasons is that this type of stone is environmentally friendly, low-maintenance, and is an excellent alternative to natural stone. This stone has come a long way, yet not everyone’s eyes are trained to recognise it. If you want to learn […]

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6 Ways to Use Natural Stone in Modern Homes

One classic way of making a home look stylish is by using natural stone in construction. It doesn’t matter if the stones are used on the interior or the exterior. Natural stones can always upscale an entire house. Today, there are different stone veneer products from natural stones suppliers that you can incorporate into your home to give it a […]

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10 Must-Haves for a Luxury Kitchen

It is essential to think big when it comes to your luxury kitchen design. After all, you will not always get what you want in a project, but you can set the bar high to get a successful result. But you can have it all (and more) in your ideal kitchen. In this article, we have compiled 10 must-have design […]

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Latest Kitchen Design Layout Trends in 2021

Are you unsure about which kitchen design layout to choose? To help you, we have put together a list of six latest kitchen design ideas so you can pick the one that best fits your home and your family’s needs. Let’s get this started. Let us first know why kitchen design layout is important In most households, the kitchen is […]

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Reasons to Choose Engineered Stone Benchtops

Many homeowners across Australia dream of having beautiful natural stone benchtops for their kitchens and bathrooms. However, materials such as marble and granite can be costly. You will be happy to know that Stone Interiors can provide you with cost-effective alternatives that still offer the same impressive results as natural stone kitchen benchtops, our engineered stone benchtops. In this article, […]

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Factors Affecting the Cost of Granite Benchtops

When it comes to choosing a countertop material for kitchens and bathrooms, homeowners usually opt for granite because of its aesthetic value and durability. If you find this material ideal to incorporate into your home, you should understand the factors that potentially affect the granite benchtop price. In this article, we will discuss a few factors that influence the price […]

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How to Clean and Maintain Your Granite Kitchen Benchtop

Over the years, more and more homeowners prefer to use granite as their kitchen benchtop and bathroom material. The reason is that granite is not as permeable as other materials, which makes it less prone to soaking up spills, stains, and oils. Despite that, it is still important to regularly clean your granite kitchen benchtops in Melbourne to ensure their […]

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Pros and Cons of Quantum Quartz Benchtops Melbourne

Are you currently building a new kitchen? Or are you considering redesigning your kitchen? If you are, then you are probably having a hard time choosing the perfect material for your natural stone countertops and benchtops. For sure, Quantum Quartz has been recommended to you both by friends and industry professionals. Its popularity is definitely not to be questioned: Quantum […]

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Affordable Stone Benchtops in Melbourne

Quartz-based stone benchtops in Melbourne are all the rave – they were in the past and they still are today. The reason for this is that Engineered Stone Benchtops are absolutely timeless. Their classic design is guaranteed to brighten up any kitchen, no matter the architectural or interior design style. But the best part does not end there; these gorgeous […]

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4 Best Materials For Stone Kitchen Benchtops In Melbourne

Adding a stone benchtop to your kitchen will make for a grand, welcome change. Your natural stone countertop will be your kitchen’s centerpiece. No matter the design of your kitchen–chic, minimalist, earth-inspired, you name it–when you have a beautiful stone kitchen benchtop sitting right in the middle of it, you will see a major aesthetic upgrade in your kitchen space. […]

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